Foods to be avoided during pregnancy in Monsoon season??

रिमझिम गिरे सावन. ...मचल मचल जाये मन

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रिमझिम जिरे सावन

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is crucial for the health of both the mother and the developing baby. During the monsoon season, there are certain food items that pregnant women should avoid due to an increased risk of food borne illnesses. Additionally, specific dietary considerations should be made for each trimester of pregnancy to ensure proper nourishment for the baby's growth and the mother's well-being.

Foods to avoid during pregnancy, especially during the monsoon season:

1.Raw or undercooked meat: Avoid consuming raw or undercooked meat, including seafood, as it may be contaminated with harmful bacteria or parasites.

2.Unpasteurized dairy products: Stay away from unpasteurized milk and dairy products as they can carry harmful bacteria like Listeria, which poses a risk to the pregnancy.

3. Raw eggs: Avoid dishes that contain raw or partially cooked eggs, as they may carry Salmonella bacteria.

4.Street foods and unhygienic vendors: During the monsoon season, the chances of food contamination increase, so it's best to avoid street foods and food from unhygienic vendors.

5.Cut fruits and salads: Opt for whole fruits that can be peeled and washed thoroughly instead of cut fruits or salads that might be exposed to contaminated water.

6.Stale or leftover food: Avoid consuming stale or leftover food during monsoon, as it can lead to food poisoning.

7.Certain fish: Limit the intake of high-mercury fish like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish, as mercury can be harmful to the baby's developing nervous system.

Now, let's look at trimester-wise dietary considerations:

First Trimester:

* Focus on getting enough folic acid, iron, and calcium for proper fetal development.

* Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

* Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.

* Avoid excessive caffeine and limit it to less than 200 mg per day.

Second Trimester:

* Continue to emphasize a balanced diet with a mix of nutrients.

* Increase the intake of protein to support the baby's growth.

* Incorporate foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids for the baby's brain development.

* Include sources of Vitamin D for better calcium absorption.

Third Trimester:

* Continue with the balanced diet and nutrient-rich foods.

* Focus on iron-rich foods to prevent anemia and support blood production.

* Include foods with good fats and DHA to aid in the baby's neurological development.

* Consume smaller, frequent meals to manage digestion and avoid heartburn.

Throughout Pregnancy:

* Stay hydrated, especially during the monsoon season when the risk of waterborne illnesses is higher.

* Have small, frequent meals to manage pregnancy-related discomforts like nausea and heartburn.

* Choose healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, and yogurt instead of unhealthy options.

* Avoid excessive intake of sweets and processed foods, and opt for natural sources of sugars.

* Always consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized dietary advice during pregnancy, as individual nutritional needs may vary.

Dr. Manisha Jadhav,

Wallaby Preg-Care Centre,


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