Causes and Prevention of Throat Cancer

Throat Cancer: Diagnosis and Prevention
Although the exact cause of throat cancer is not yet known, it has been found that eating too much tobacco and smoking or drinking alcohol can lead to such cancer. According to an estimate, one million people become cancer patients every year in the world by smoking cigarettes.

Many chemical substances such as bitumen, asbestos, vinyl chloride, benzene, cadmium arsenic are also capable of causing cancer. Everyday industry workers come in contact with these substances every day, increasing their chances of getting cancer.

Such foods that cause prickling or burning sensation in the throat can also cause pharyngeal cancer. Apart from these, it has been known that a virus called Epstein Barr (EBV) can also cause cancer of the pharynx.

Radiation and pollution in large quantities are also the cause of throat and many other cancers. For example, pollution of petrol and diesel and the use of hazardous chemical gases from industries, smoke and dirty water and excess of pesticides are responsible for increasing cases of cancer.

Consumption of canned food and artificial colors and chemicals increases the risk of cancer. To a certain extent, hereditary can cause cancer, but other causes and conditions are also responsible for this.

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