Breast Cancer: On-Time Diagnosis is the Best Precaution

Breast Cancer: On-Time Treatment is the Best Precaution

Breast cancer is found in Indian women at the first number at this time. Every year one lakh 60 thousand women in India have breast cancer. Also, about 80 thousand women die due to breast cancer. India is the highest in terms of female deaths due to breast cancer.

One in every 22 women is likely to have breast cancer. If we see, the percentage of breast cancer in urban women is much higher than the proportion of rural women. Also, the amount of uterine cancer is higher in rural women.

Dr. Sumeet Shah (Pro-life Cancer Centre, Pune) said that, unfortunately, in most Indian women, breast cancer occurs at the age of about 30 years. Generally, 16 percent of cancer occurs in women aged between 30 and 40, while women between the ages of 45 and 55 have the highest evidence of breast cancer.

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